It would not be correct to call it common in newborns; ROP is mainly found in premature babies, which has become a relatively common problem because it is related to low gestational age and birth weight.
If it is treated in time, it can be cured with long-term monitoring and good medications, but if the problem becomes severe, then in some cases there can be a possibility of permanent visual loss.
If the parents make sure that taking care of their premature baby is of utmost importance, then they can prevent the increasing problems and keep the newborn baby away from the problem of ROP by consulting an eye specialist from time to time.
Ongoing research focuses on improving the understanding, treatment options, and preventive strategies for ROP.
Consulting with an experienced eye doctor would be a first priority in tackling this. Connecting with skilled health care professionals and educational resources can provide valuable information and emotional support for parents dealing with ROP.
We provide almost all kinds of eye care surgeries by the top-leading eye surgeons in our hospital, which are listed below:
Hospital’s Name: Iris Eye Care Hospital Varanasi
Address: Sigra – Mahmoorganj Rd, Opposite Park No 1, Sant Raghuvar Nagar, Sigra, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221010
Contact Number: +91-8299611744; +91-9557840121
Email Id: iriseyecare2022@gmail.com
Working Days & Hours: Mon – Sun 10:00AM – 04.00PM; Fri-Closed